Installing WarpSpeed on Linode
Linode Marketplace App
1. Create a WarpSpeed Linode using the Marketplace

Install the WarpSpeed app from the Linode Marketplace. Enter the required admin email, admin password, and DNS address for your instance.

Recommended Hardware & Software
Operating System Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04
CPU 2+ Cores
Storage 10+ GB
IPv4 Network required
IPv6 Network optional
Firewall access (Web UI) 80/tcp and 443/tcp
Firewall access (VPN) 51820/udp (configurable)

NOTE: the network ports listed above must be allowed on your Linode firewall.

2. Add DNS Record

From your DNS provider's control panel, create an "A" record with the value of your server's public IP address. Any DNS name that can be resolved on the public internet will work.

Replace below with any valid sub-domain of your domain.

Replace 100.200.300.400 below with the public IP address of your Linode.

Example DNS record:
Name Type Value A 100.200.300.400

NOTE: after adding your DNS record, wait 3-5 minutes for the record to be updated before continuing.

3. Configure WarpSpeed

Using a web browser, enter the URL of your WarpSpeed server.

Example URL to visit:

Complete the configuration process and begin using WarpSpeed!

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